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  Need help with your DIY website?



Not everybody needs a website with all the bells and whistles - in fact, many business owners and hobbyists know exactly what they want in a website but haven't the time, energy or know-how, to actually get the job done fast and efficiently. The only thing that stands in their way may just be a little guidance, a bit of assistance and perhaps some help with copy and content. 


If this sounds remotely like a dilemma you are facing, we encourage you to take a look at our offerings below, and

know that with any of our website servicing options, we can have you from point A to Publish in no time flat!


Package 1:
Just the Essentials


The essentials website design is a great place to start for individuals and companies who already have photos, content and visual resources on hand and just need a bit of direction and/or assistance to get them up and on their way. 


The essentials site includes help with both desktop and mobile friendly versions and includes up to 5 pages with add-ons available. We will assist you in selecting your domain, hosting service, template, layout and structure to include color scheme, photos, fonts, titles, headers, footers and more.


Additionally, we will load your site with all the content and media you provide and will integrate your existing social media accounts. Lastly, we will conduct a final overview of your site once all your content has been integrated and offer specific suggestions for future improvements. 






Package 2:
Personal Assistance


The personal assistance website design is just as it sounds. You will be provided one-on-one direction, accountability, and in-depth facilitation to get your website right where you want it to be.


This package ensures both desktop and mobile friendly versions and supports a build of up to 8 pages with add-ons available. You as the customer can have as much or as little input as you would like in the design process.


In addition, although you are responsible for providing your own content, we will assist you in integrating all design elements desired within the limitations of your system and will provide specific suggestions pertaining to your web copy.  We will also build out your social media platform and link it into your website for optimization. 


Lastly, every single page of your entire website will be professionally copyedited prior to publishing.






Package 3:
The Content King


The content king website package offers everything you've ever dreamt of in a no-hassle website build.


This service marries two of our most utilized offerings: website design assistance and website content development.


You will be provided a personal assistant who will facilitate your website wants and needs every step of the way with personalized and direct communication.


In addition, you will work directly with our web writer to ensure every content block is written and/or revised to your complete satisfaction. All you will need to do is provide the pertinent information.    


The content king package is both desktop and mobile friendly and supports up to 10 pages with add-ons available. Also included is a full social media platform build out. 


You can have as much or as little input as you would like in the overall creative process, it is all up to you!   



Please CONTACT US for an individualized service quote.  


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